Corona may not kill you but the fear will

One of my biggest concern these days is the world in a panic due to this COVID-19. I'm not a medical person but with a little study and observation, I realized things are not that critical. I know that it's a deadly virus but still, we all are overreacting.

Let's have a look at the following points to kill your anxiety and depression.
1. History and Stats

This was first found in Wuhan, China in Dec 2019. According to world O meters 
120,948 cases are closed so far including 103,719(86%) recovered and only 17,229(14%) deaths.

Currently there are 274,584 active cases. Among them, only 12,186(4%) patients are in critical positions while 262,398(96%) are in mild condition.

2. Transmission

Before looking at the transmission methods of notorious  COVID-19 let's have a look at the transmission modes of some other deadly viruses

Animals to Humans
Human to Human
Congo Virus
Tick bites or infected animal blood and tissue while slaughtering
Contact with blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids
Dengue Virus
From infected human to healthy human through a female mosquito.
Ebola Virus
Not Transmitted from animals
Through contact already contaminated things or with fluids of body i-e blood, vomit or feces
Nipah Virus
Contact infected pigs or bats
Contact with an infected person.
Zakah Virus
Same as Dengue

Now if we see the transmission of COVID-19 it's transmitted when a healthy person is at a distance of fewer than 6 ft from an infected person who is coughing or sneezing.

3. Why is Media playing with us

Well, I think most of understanding this. Media in general works on how much people hit their content either on live TV, website, blog or Youtube channel, etc. It's a harsh truth that whenever there is an emergency situation, these people start creating hype and then convert their views in dollars.
So they will keep trying to make you feel that you are in a world war like situation and there is no place to hide. In fact, I thought of writing this article to reach you because people are searching for corona from all around the world and anything that is associated with it will reach out to maximum people.

4. Effects of media's meaningless hype

Stigma due to COVID-19

Stigma in simple words is a symbol of disgrace developed for a group of people who are associated with a high risk.

Stigma if created only adds up to the situation and makes it worse.
Especially in the case of COVID-19. Mostly the effects of viral infections like common flu are highly dependent on our immune system. If we have a strong immune system we can survive otherwise even common flu can kill us. So the people who are already infected or those who are suspected to be infected are already facing a lot. They are going through peaks of anxiety and depression. Although the chances of survival are good due to isolation this anxiety and depression destroy their immunity. 

Now let's see what are the symptoms of COVID-19 and Precautions to be on the safe side

5. Symptoms

The symptoms of COVID-19 are like pneumonia. following three are the symptoms of COVID-19
1.     Cough (not like normal cough, it's frequent)
2.     Sneeze
3.     Fever
4.     Shortening of breath

6. Precautions
  • Wash your hands frequently and effectively (at least for 20 seconds).
  • Avoid going to Public Places. Only go out if it's urgent. And wash your hands when you are back home.
  • If you see a person coughing or sneezing maintain a distance of at least 6 ft.
  • Don't touch your eyes mouth and nose without washing your hands.
  • Every cough or sneeze is not COVID-19. Visit the doctor if you were exposed to an infected person or someone who traveled in past 15 days to or from an infected country.
  • It's better to avoid going to the hospital directly. You can get help online from dedicated websites like NHS.UK


After looking at the above points, we can conclude that
  • This virus is not deadly because figures show that approximately 14% of people died, 86% recovered completely and 96% are in mild condition means that they will recover too.
  • Media is amplifying everything to generate income by destroying your mental health and peace.
  • You are safe if you stay at home and follow simple steps
  • You have your own natural guard (immune system) and if you keep it full by staying calm, eating foods good for it and drinking the required amounts of pure Water COVID-19 can never affect you.

Thanks for Reading!


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